OEM and Custom Brands – sleevekings

OEM and Custom Brands

We ARE the factory, so we not only make the sleeves, we have the ability to customize these.  Since our sleeves are brand new to the market and there has never been anything like them before, we are getting a lot of requests like:

  • Can you make our company their own sleeves for our upcoming Kickstarter?
  • Can you make sleeves to a different specification for us?
  • Can we brand these sleeves our own and have you deliver them to our factory or our warehouse directly?
  • I love the playmat idea, can you do a custom one for our sleeve line or help us source a playmat for our next project?

Happily, the answer to all these questions is YES.  We can help you with that next stretch reward by offering your own custom sleeves.  We can help you create your own BRAND of sleeves for your games to allow you to sell them at conventions and as add-ons on your website and post-campaign for Crowd Funding Projects.  We can deliver them anywhere in the world and help you consolidate the sleeves with your game shipment out of your factory in Asia if you'd like.  

We can do all of this and more.  In fact we have already done this for a very, very large project and are on track to do a line of sleeves for a MAJOR website.  Best of all, we can guarantee you will get a lot of margin on every pack you sell, probably more than for your board game!

Yes we can also do playmats either for your own line of sleeves or for other projects like mats for games.  A game mat should generally be 1.5 MM thick with full color printing on the front and non-slip texture on the back.  Typical print runs start at about 250 mats and for a mat the size of our sleeve mat you would expect to pay about $0.75 per mat with some discounts for higher volumes. The below image is of our 3 MM premium sleeve finder mat for your reference. Something like this would be more of course as it is 3 MM thick rather than 1.5 MM.

So how do we get started?  Just email us at support@sleevekings.com and we will reach out to you with direct information. 

Other General Information:

  • We don't do colored or full-printed backed sleeves for now (due to prices more than 4 times the cost of standard thickness clear sleeves per 100) but if you want the best clear sleeves on the market, you have come to the right place!
  • Minimum orders start at just 2,000 packs per SKU, if you have less than that in mind it might not be worth it to you (or us).
  • We operate on razor thin margins as you can imagine, so any shipping charges from our factory must be paid by you.
  • There is a $75 per sku charge set up fee for custom sleeve packaging.
  • Our turn-around time is about 45-60 days from the time you place your order until the product is ready, though that can be pushed to faster if there is a need, except around Chinese New Year when our factory is just too busy and we are closed down for a couple of weeks for our big holiday in China. 

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